Publications cost $1, and another $2 for shipping within the contiguous US.
Frozen in His Youth
Poems about memory and work. Slightly mythic, not entirely self-conscious. Paralysis in verse. Edition of 31 copies.
From All the New State Capitals [NY to D. C.]
by Jim Behrle
The first thirteen poems of the sequence, composed in 2005. Their first time in print, until now only to be read handwritten in photographs of steno pad pages. 'It is a singing sword.' Edition of 43 copies.
Dead on Top of Saturn
A longish lyric poem, written in memory of and dedicated to Landis Everson, who died fifteen years ago on November 17, and dedicated too to Ben Mazer. Edition of forty-three copies.
The Convergence of the Virgins
A longer poem, lyric still. Edition of forty-three copies.
Six poems, three each by two authors, lyric and elegiac, marking fifteen years since the death of Landis Everson. Edition of eleven copies. Sold out.
Ten Mornings
Different mornings described and explained, with illustrations. Edition of forty-one copies. Sold out.
Where I Have Most Injured I Can Least Forgive
Lyric poems. Edition of twenty-nine copies. Ik wanhoop nooit! Sold out.
Poems on Several Occasions
Lyric poems. Edition of thirty-one copies. Sold out.